training packages
Monthly Package - $250
8 - One Hour Sessions
Dedicated for all age groups
This package allows for time to learn new skills or hone established ones
Can be split up between different skills (i.e. hitting, pitching, catching etc..)
Must be used within 4 weeks from date of purchase
Payments excepted in person or through Venmo (contact for Venmo Instructions)
Video of Sessions can be included for an additional $50
Bi-Weekly Package - $150
4 - One Hour Sessions
Dedicated for all age groups
This package allows for time to learn new skills or hone established ones
Can be split up between different skills (i.e. hitting, pitching, catching etc..)
Must be used within 2 weeks from date of purchase
Payments excepted in person or through Venmo (contact for Venmo Instructions)
Video of Sessions can be included for an additional $50